Leading software development company launches operations in Costa Rica outside of the Greater Metropolitan Area (GAM)

  • Weve Technology will open ten positions for professionals in fields of high knowledge demand.
  • The company will be located in La Ceiba Free Trade Zone Business Park, in Orotina.

The American company, Weve Technology, a leader in the development and promotion of software for corporate gaming applications, has opened its operations in Costa Rica, with an investment of US$100,000 and creating ten hybrid job positions in knowledge-intensive fields.

The company, located in La Ceiba Free Trade Zone Business Park, in Orotina, will generate employment opportunities for UI-UX designers and programmers skilled in technologies such as React Native, JavaScript, and Python.

Weve Technology has communicated its enthusiasm to contribute to the economic and technological development of the region, as well as to work closely with local authorities and other stakeholders to achieve shared objectives. “As a company dedicated to the development of disruptive technologies, our presence outside the Greater Metropolitan Area (GAM) will allow us to drive research and development in key areas. This strategic step represents a significant milestone in our journey and and marks the beginning of a new phase for company”, they mentioned.

“The establishment of Weve Technology in Orotina demonstrates the potential that communities outside the Greater Metropolitan Area have to attract foreign direct investment, generate quality employment, and development for their communities. This investment responds to our investment attraction strategy, which aims to diversify both productive sectors and regions across Costa Rica, fostering equitable and sustainable development for the entire country,” commented Laura López, General Manager of the Trade and Investment Promotion Agency of Costa Rica (PROCOMER).

According to PROCOMER data, with the start of its operations, Weve Technology joins the conglomerate of service companies installed in the country, made up of more than 240 companies covering various sectors.

Additionally, during 2023, Costa Rica achieved a historic record in attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): 59 new investment projects, of which 80% belong to the services sector.

Professionals interested in joining Weve Technology can send their application requests to the email [email protected].

About Weve Technology

Weve Technology is an American capital company specialized in the development of software for corporate gaming applications. With a vision focused on innovation and human talent, Weve Technology is committed to leading the change in the digital entertainment industry, collaborating with professionals from around the world to offer creative and exciting solutions.

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