VLA Academy operates in the United States and Latin America. We develop talent through education, carrying out customized training for companies. We create courses with elite professionals and certificates based on the needs of each company. We have partnered with different elite brands, such as: CISCO, AWS and PMI.

VLA Jobs company is specialized in talent attraction and selection services for IT, managerial and administrative positions. We have an extensive network of IT candidates and highly qualified professionals ready to cover various needs. In addition, we offer staff augmentation services to strengthen our clients’ work teams. We operate throughout Latin America, facilitating the hiring of candidates in the region.

Estas empresas del sector Human Resource Advisors (recruiters)  destacan por su constante búsqueda de la excelencia y calidad y eso es un buen motivo para conocerlas, e invertir en el mercado Costarricense. Conozca más empresas del sector: