Brenda Marrero & Associates, S.R.L.

We are a firm specializing in the outsourcing of human resource services. Our services include OUTSOURCING, HEADHUNTING, and BACKGROUND CHECKS. We operate in six business verticals: Life Sciences & Medical Devices, Distribution Supply Chain, Operations & Admin, IT Programmers & Services, Banking & Financial Services, and Commercial & Operations.

Our methodology ensures a positive impact of the candidate on the client’s corporate culture through an approach based on capabilities, behavior, and motivational compatibility.

We focus on the client experience, utilizing digital technology to ensure a seamless user experience with access to recorded interviews, online psychometric tests, and a digital pipeline for an optimized and AI-enhanced recruitment process.

Estas empresas del sector Human Resource Advisors (recruiters)  destacan por su constante búsqueda de la excelencia y calidad y eso es un buen motivo para conocerlas, e invertir en el mercado Costarricense. Conozca más empresas del sector: